Welcome to Asante Agro Ltd.
Our motto: Better Food, Better Life!
Marketing & Logistics
We source grains, oilseeds, pulses, cotton, sugar, animal products and feed ingredients from the major growing regions and use our extensive network of assets to store, transport and process them into a range of value added products and deliver them to the exact quality and specifications consumers expect.

Our Membership

Our Expertise
Our network brings together our diverse and talented people, our decades of experience in global agricultural supply chains, our strong relationships with producers and our strategically located assets. It means we can provide our customers with reliable and efficient service and open pathways to new business.
Our Producers
We have strong relationships with thousands of producers and farming co-operatives in key growing areas of the world. Many of them have supplied our company for generations.
Our Consumers
We market to food manufacturers, animal feed manufacturers, consumer product processors, local importers and distributors and governments around the world. Our robust network of producers and assets give us the ability to supply from alternative origins so that we can always meet their needs.
Our Assets
Our storage, logistics and processing facilities underpin our business. As well as storage and transport assets we own processing mills, oilseed crushing and biodiesel processing plants and sugarcane milling facilities. They are located in the key export and import regions and allow us to oversee the quality of every aspect of the commodity’s journey – from the producer’s gate to the consumer.
Sustainable and Traceable
We are a responsible business with long-standing relationships with producers and strong quality management processes at every stage of the supply chain. Our consumers, our people and our communities can be confident our activities are sustainable and safe.
Our comprehensive logistics network allows us to oversee our commodities from the producer to the hands of the consumer. It provides certainty for producers who know the quality of their product will be maintained and means consumers can be confidentof the origin, quality and delivery of what they buy.
We oversee commodities from the origination point in the growing region. Through our network, we transport them to and from storage, processing facilities and port terminals via road, rail or barge all year round. This allows us to manage origination, quantities & delivery thus allowing us to offer flexible delivery options, timely shipments and competitive pricing and meet the demands of our consumers efficiently and promptly.
Our storage and handling assets meet the needs of both producers and consumers. Careful storage and handling, close to the point of origination, allows produce to be stored at harvest to maintain its quality and ensure it is available when consumers need it. From cold rooms & silos to bulk collection centres for Milk & Grain We maintain specialised storage and handling facilities in all the main production regions. We have access to over 27+ facilities in 4 countries. All our facilities are effectively managed with best-in-class inspection and quality control systems that mean we can assure the quality and specification of every single order.
Our people are specialised in managing the careful movement and storage of commodities. We are continually updating and improving our systems and training to guarantee the highest quality supply chain and to meet the increasing requirements of our consumers.


Our team of experts are ready to answer any questions you might have about our products & services